Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Letter to KHS Students

Dear Kearny High School Students,

Due to the insufficient water supply, regulations will be established to make sure Californians aren't excessively wasting water and adding onto the drought. Each local water department will be responsible for enforcing these regulations, that if disobeyed the offender will be fined up to $500.

Water restrictions are now put in effect in California.

These new regulations are being used to keep Californians from over using water unnecessarily. A restriction being added is that you cannot wash your car at home, you have to wash at a car wash. Another restruction is not being able to wash your drive way or sidewalk using a hose.


Sunday, March 15, 2015

Plastics, Greenhouse Gases and Sustainability

Plastics and mankind made greenhouse gases have an extremely negative affect towards Earth. The effect is negative because the plastic being used ends up in the ocean and the abnormal amount of greenhouse gases cause climate change all over the planet.

In the ocean, there is about 10% of plastics scattered in the water furthering pollution. However, these plastics photo degrade into smaller almost non-existent pieces which are later eaten by sea creatures like fish. By eating these pieces of plastics they are poisoning themselves, and some of those poisoned fish are the ones that are being eaten by us. 

Greenhouse gases made by humans cause climate change in negative ways. All the additional greenhouse gases from cars and factories in the atmosphere are causing the extreme heat and the polar vertexes which extreme cold weather (9 feet of snow in NYC) in the east, 

Man made greenhouse gases and plastics are indeed problems of sustainability. They are destroying the environment which means they are destroying our life. Essentially, sustainability means to preserve for the future generations and when plastics are released into the ocean and man made greenhouse gases are released into the air, we are destroying the environment and cutting down the amount of resources for future generations. 

This is a simple illustration explaining the Greenhouse Gases effect on Earth which is climate change.

This is a photo of photo degraded plastics showing how most of the plastics in the ocean are barley visible which means its easier for fish or other sea animals to accidentally ingest them poisoning themselves.